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How to make QR code with

1. Sign Up/Log In:

— Visit and sign up for an account if you don’t have one. If you already have an account, log in.


Google Sign Up

Quick Sign up using Google is also available.

2. Access Your Dashboard:

— After logging in, you’ll be directed to your dashboard. Link.

3. Access the QR Code Generator:

— Once you’re logged in, navigate to the QR code generator feature. Click on the options “QR Codes”. Then click on “Create QR”.

4. Select the Type of QR Code:

— Choose the type of QR code you want to create. typically offers various options, such as URL, text, email, phone, Wi-Fi, vCard, and more. Select the appropriate category based on your content.

Important Note:-

5. Enter the QR Code Content:

— In the provided field, input the content associated with your QR code. For example:
— If it’s a URL QR code, enter the website URL.
— For text QR codes, type the text you want to encode.
— If it’s an email QR code, provide the recipient’s email address and subject.
— For phone QR codes, enter the phone number.
— Specify the relevant details for other QR code types accordingly.

6. Customize QR Code (Optional):

— Depending on the platform, you may have customization options. These can include changing the QR code’s color, size, and style. Customize as desired.

Important Note:- Every time you customize something from content to design to pattern to margin, you have to press click “Preview” to see the change. Each time qr code get change and generate a new qr code.

7. Generate the QR Code:

— Click the “Generate QR” button to generate your QR code based on the provided content and customization settings.

8. Test the QR Code(Optional):

— Before widespread distribution, it’s a good practice to test the QR code using a QR code reader app to ensure it functions as expected. This helps confirm that the encoded content is accurate and leads to the intended destination.

9. Download or Save the QR Code:

— After the QR code is generated, you’ll typically have the option to download or save it to your device. Choose a location on your computer or smartphone to store the QR code image. Choose which format type you want.

10. Use the QR Code:

— Your QR code is now ready for use. You can print it on physical materials, add it to digital content, or share it wherever needed.

10. Monitor QR Code Analytics:

— Some QR code generators, including, may offer analytics features. These allow you to track the performance of your QR code, including the number of scans and when they occurred. Use these insights to gauge the effectiveness of your QR code campaign.


That’s it! You’ve successfully created a QR code with QR codes are versatile tools that can be used for various purposes, such as linking to websites, sharing contact information, or providing quick access to content.

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